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Religion and Society: Free Virtual Issue on Maurice Bloch, Jose Casanova, Jean Comaroff, Bruce Kapferer

Berghahn Journals is delighted to offer you a free virtual issue which features portraits of four senior scholars of religion from our journal, Religion and Society - Advances in Research. The scholars include:
Maurice Bloch, José Casanova, Jean Comaroff and Bruce Kapferer. Each profile consists of invited essays on the scholar’s work by authorities in their respective subfields.

About Religion and Society:

Editors: Simon Coleman, University of Toronto, Ramon Sarró, University of Oxford, and Ruy Llera Blanes, University of Bergen

Religion and Society responds to the need for a rigorous, in-depth review of current work in the expanding sub-discipline of the anthropology of religion. In addition, this important, peer-reviewed annual aims to provide a dynamic snapshot of developments in the study of religion as a whole and encourages inter-disciplinary perspectives.

To access the virtual issue, please visit:

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Berghahn Journals