Here are the latest event, book, and job announcements from the newsletter of the Australian Association for the Study of Religion
Click the links or visit for information.
Call for Papers
Islamic Ethics and the Trusteeship Paradigm: Interdisciplinary Explorations
Religious Marriages in the Mediterranean Conference 20-21st March 2018
Populist politics and the minority voice: British Muslims, extremisms and inclusion 19 April 2018
Religions and Identities in the European Migration Crisis - Abstract deadline: January, 31
Post-global Religion, EASR conference 17-21 June in Bern
Academic Publications
Knut A. Jacobsen (2018) Yoga in Modern Hinduism: Hariharānanda Āraṇya and Sāṃkhyayoga, Routeldge
Račius, Egdūnas (2018) Muslims in Eastern Europe, Edinburgh University Press
Academic Positions
Four Ph.D. research fellowships available at MF-Norwegian School of Theology
Two vacancies as postdoc at MF-Norwegian School of Theology, with effect from 1st of September 2018
(Thanks to Dr Milad Milani)