Young American Muslims: Dynamics of Identity

By Nahid Afrose Kabir, University of South Australia

This book presents a journey into the ideas, outlooks and identity of young Muslims in America today. Based on around 400 in-depth interviews with young Muslims from Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York and Virginia, all the richness and nuance of these minority voices can be heard.

Many young Americans cherish an American dream, ‘that all men are created equal’. And the election of America’s first black President in

2008 has shown that America has moved forward. Yet since 9/11 Muslim Americans have faced renewed challenges, with their loyalty and sense of belonging being questioned.

Chapters include: Introduction: My Journey and the ‘Muslim Question’; Identity Matters; The Culture Debate; What Does it Take to be an American?; Reflections on the American Media; Barack Hussein Obama and Young Muslims’ Political Awareness; The Palestinian Question; From Here to Where?

November 2012

248 pp o HB o 978 0 7486 6993 6

HB Special Price: £70.00 £56.50

Nahid Afrose Kabir is a Senior Research Fellow at the International Centre for Muslim and non-Muslim Understanding, University of South Australia. She was a visiting fellow (2009 - 2011) at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard University, USA. Dr Kabir is the author of Muslims in Australia: Immigration, Race Relations and Cultural History (London: Routledge 2005), and Young British Muslims: Identity, Culture, Politics and the Media (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 2010).
