Registration Now Open - Inform Autumn Seminar: Minority Religions and Schooling

Inform Autumn Seminar
Minority Religions and Schooling

Date - Saturday, 6 December 2014; 9.30am - 4.45pm
Location – New Academic Building, London School of Economics

‘State multiculturalism has failed’, declared David Cameron in 2011. Yet there is a continued expansion in state-funded religious schooling in Britain. This expansion has gone hand-in-hand with legal rulings that have placed minority religions on stronger footing next to the more established faiths. After exponential growth of Academies operating outside of local authority control since 2000, and three years after the first Free Schools opened their doors (a programme which has assisted the expansion of a diversity of faith-based schools), it is a good opportunity to take stock and reflect on the nature of minority faith schooling in Britain.

Speakers include:
Farid Panjwani (Director of the Centre for Research and Evaluation in Muslim Education at the Institute of Education, University of London) "Muslims and Faith Schools: identity and social aspiration in a minority religion"
Ozcan Keles (Executive Director of the Dialogue Society) "Fethullah Gulen-inspired Hizmet Schools from an Alumnus: basics, characteristics and critique"
Nitesh Gor (Chief Executive, Avanti Schools Trust) "Inclusivity and Fidelity"
Jonny Scaramanga (Doctoral student at the Institute of Education) "The History of Accelerated Christian Education in the United Kingdom"
Richy Thompson (Campaigns Officer (Faith Schools and Education), British Humanist Association) "A Humanist Perspective on Minority Religions and Schooling"
and others.

Registration is now open and can be done using a credit/debit card through PayPal or by posting a booking form and a cheque payable to ‘Inform’ to Inform, Houghton St., London WC2A 2AE. Tickets (including buffet lunch, coffee and tea) paid by 10 November 2014 are £38 each (£18 students/unwaged). Tickets booked after 10 November 2014 will cost £48 each (£28 students/unwaged). A limited number of seats will be made available to A-Level students at £10 before 10 November 2014 (£20 after 10 November).

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