Call for chapters: Sexual Diversity and religions: Transnational dialogues in the contemporary world (2014-2015)
The Gender Studies Program (PEG) of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Lima-Peru) and Diversities, Research Center for Gender and Social Action, through its publishing consortium PEG/Diversities program are pleased to call scholars and activists to submit chapters for our edited book volume Sexual Diversity and religions: transnational dialogues in the contemporary world.
In the contemporary world, the processes around the construction of subjectivities and identities are a complex reality. Identity construction policies, embedded in the local and global processes, have identified a number of areas where these dynamics are built. Religions have been one of the ideal areas for these processes. From the post secular debate, clearly, religions have continued to influence on history of governmentality and specific forms of subjectivity, specially, in relation to TLGBI people. This publication aims to reflect, analyze and problematize these relationships.
This call is seeking to analyze the construction of corporalities, subjectivities and identities of LGBTI persons in relation to the religious fields and capital in the contemporary world. Within this scope, we are interested in studies concerning worldviews/theologies, rituals, mystical, moral and memory. We are interested in investigating the interaction between different religious traditions (eg. Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, indigenous worldviews, among others) and the experiences, perceptions and spiritual practices of TLGBI people in each society.
On the one hand, religion can be seen as a "control device" or as a "device for enjoyment" in relation to the construction of the demands (spiritual, political, cultural, human rights) of TLGBI people. Particularly, we are, therefore, interested in inquiring about these historical, political and social processes, in which the religion is shown against or in favor of the TLGBI community demands. We seek articles that inquire, deeply, into any of these aspects or both, based on analysis of historical, ethnographic, normative material, among others.
Beyond the post secular debate, the encounter with the religions in the international arena, leads us to think about politic dynamics and new subjective constructions, where religion is an important device in social analysis. In this regard, we are particularly interested to inquire about the spiritual production of TLGBI people, in every cultural and social context, in which each tradition is transformed by demands of such persons.
This call is aimed
1. To provide a comparative and systematic view of the relationship between religious discourses and TLGBI identities in the contemporary world.
2. To analyze the construction of subjectivities and identities of TLGBI people regarding religious phenomena within specific and local contexts.
3. To study the historical, social and cultural dynamics in which religious traditions play an important role in promoting or rejecting the rights of TLGBI people in contemporary societies.
4. To reflect on the spiritual productions (practices, rituals, perceptions, etc.) developed by TLGBI people in various regions of the world, in or out of each religious tradition.
Articles on the following topics are particularly welcome (but not limited to)
1. Religious traditions and LGBTI people in contemporary societies. Specifically, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Shinto, Taoism, Buddhism, Indigenous worldviews, among others.
2. History and presence/absence of TLGBI people within each religious tradition.
3. Religious traditions and rights of TLGBI people, especially in the field of non-discrimination, equal marriage, gender identity law, family law and adoption, sexual and reproductive rights.
4. Spiritual Practices of LGBTI people in contemporary societies, particularly, dialogues and resistances in relation to their religious traditions.
5. Ecclesial Communities, ecumenism and TLGBI interreligious dialogue.
6. LGBTI theology and queer theology in the global South in every religious tradition.
7. Spiritual expressions related to non-denominational practices, secularism, atheism and other contemporary spiritual manifestations.
8. Intersection between religious practices with sexuality, gender, race, social class within TLGBI communities.
9. Relationship between spiritual production, supportive practices and ethical speeches from TLGBI community in the global south.
Relevant information
Please submit your abstract (maximum 300 words) and a brief biography (maximum 150 words) by 1st June 2014 to our academic editor, Martin Jaime
Articles may be written in English or Spanish. The articles should be between 8 000 and 10 000 words (excluding footnotes and references) and follow APA (American Psychological Association) style. The full article should be submitted until 31st December 2014 by email to Martin Jaime
For further information, please contact to mjaime