18th IUAES World Congress – Brazil- Panel 182 The religion of the orishas

18th IUAES World Congress – Brazil- Panel 182 The religion of the orishas
Between January 8th and February 28th 2018, the registered participants will be able to submit their abstract proposal to 18th IUAES World Congress – Brazil, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Open pannel number 182 coordinated by Prof Dr Joana Bahia (State University of Rio de Janeiro) e Prof Dr Renata Siuda-Ambroziak (Universidade de Varsóvia/Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina)
The religions of the orishas in various contexts - diasporas and re(creation) of African heritage in the sacred space
This panel discusses various links, forms and faces of the African origin religions in the contemporary world. We would like to invite scholars doing their research on the religions of the orixás (orishas) in their different dimensions, such as: ritual, cultural and symbolic production (music, body and dance);function of technology; (re)creation of social relations and connections; relations between religion and gender, sexuality, public policies, context of production of the heritages, intolerances, migration processes and religious transnationalization.
Informations about registrations see : https://www.pt.iuaes2018.org/cronograma and also
PAINÉIS Painéis Abertos & Painéis Fechados Abertura do período de submissão de propostas de Painéis Abertos e Fechados 15 de Setembro de 2017