A session on Glocal Religions will be held at the 2015 biannual congress of the International Society for Sociology of Religion. The deadline for paper proposals is 15 December 2014.
Glocal religions involve the blending or fusion of global religious expression with local particularity. This fusion can take a variety of forms and can be expressed in different cultural milieus and historical eras. Under the heading of glocal religion are included various forms of religious or cultural syncretism. Examples include forms of indigenous religion or transnational religious groups or nationalized religious forms of belonging. While there are many forms of hybrid religiosity a glocal religious form requires that one facet of this hybridity is taken from a local setting or context. This Special Issue’s goal is to explore different facets of glocal religion. It invites papers that focus on global-local or glocal religion. Contributions from all religious traditions and all continents are welcome. The theme of glocal religion has been in circulation for several years and under a variety of labels (syncretism, hybrid religion, vernacular religion, etc.). This Special Issue aims to offer the opportunity to focus the various approaches more intensely into this particular area of inquiry and to advance and relate arguments within the literature in order to offer a comprehensive treatment of this research agenda.
For more information, please visit the conference website at https://www.sisr-issr.org/English/Conferences/Conferences.htm.
The Session is sponsored by the journal Religions (ISSN 2077-1444). The journal is currently running a special issue (which might also appear in book format) under the same title: Glocal Religions. For further details, please follow the link to the Special Issue Website at:https://www.mdpi.com/journal/religions/special_issues/glocal_religions
Contributions are sought both for the ISSR session on Glocal Religions and the special issue of the journal.
Please use the websites above for submissions.
For inquiries, please contact Victor Roudometof at roudomet@ucy.ac.cy