p align=”left”>CALL FOR PAPERS!
p align=”left”>An ISA/RC22 mid-term International Conference (in collaboration with
p align=”left”>PANAFSTRAG: Pan-African Strategic and Policy Research Group)
p align=”left”>ABUJA, NIGERIA. 27-30 JANUARY 2012
p align=”left”>Increasing cross-disciplinary discourses are focusing on the
p align=”left”>intersections of conflict and violence in different religious
p align=”left”>traditions, in varied historical epochs within local and global
p align=”left”>contexts. Theorizing about religion, conflict and violence have been
p align=”left”>largely insufficient in grasping the complexities that characterize
p align=”left”>all forms of local-global conflicts and violence. Conventional
p align=”left”>explanations of conflict and violence remain incomplete as they
p align=”left”>separately emphasize different yet related phenomena of conflict and
p align=”left”>violence, without much effort to provide for a comprehensive
p align=”left”>explanation or framework that encompasses the full range of
p align=”left”>interpersonal, institutional, structural and symbolic violence.
p align=”left”>This international interdisciplinary conference will seek to focus on
p align=”left”>theoretical perspectives, case studies to generate more nuanced
p align=”left”>analysis of social contexts from different times and places, giving
p align=”left”>greater historical depth to social scientific interpretations of
p align=”left”>conflict/violence and tolerance in contemporary societies. The
p align=”left”>conference aims to foster social scientific expertise on religion,
p align=”left”>conflict and violence at multiple levels of analysis, ranging from
p align=”left”>interpersonal forms of violence to ethnic, class and civil conflicts.
p align=”left”>It will explore ways in which religion is, and is not, implicated in
p align=”left”>conflict/violence commissioned by State or non-State actors, the ways
p align=”left”>in which religious groups respond to or negotiate violence, the lived
p align=”left”>religious meanings of conflict/violence, tolerance and
p align=”left”>conflict-resolution, or the construction of religious groups as
p align=”left”>sources of conflict/violence.
p align=”left”>Individual paper and panel abstracts are invited on any aspect of
p align=”left”>religion, conflict, violence and tolerance in local-global contexts.
p align=”left”>Paper/panel abstract submissions of not more than 300 words should be
p align=”left”>submitted electronically (as email attachment) to:
p align=”left”>Afe Adogame [a.adogame@ed.ac.uk] and;
p align=”left”>Olufunke Adeboye [funks29adeboye@yahoo.co.uk]
p align=”left”>- The NEW deadline for abstract proposals is AUGUST 30, 2011
p align=”left”>- NEW Notification of acceptance by SEPTEMBER 15, 2011
p align=”left”>- Online registration commence on SEPTEMBER 20 and close on DECEMBER 15, 2011
p align=”left”>Proposals should include: Name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s);
p align=”left”>institutional details (contact address, telephone, email address);
p align=”left”>title of proposed presentation; body of abstract.
p align=”left”>For general queries about the conference, please contact ISA/RC22
p align=”left”>General Secretary/Treasurer: Afe Adogame [a.adogame@ed.ac.uk]
p align=”left”>Further details of the conference is available on the ISA-RC22
p align=”left”>website: [https://isarc22.org/Conferences/Conferences.htm]
p align=”left”>——————————————————————
p align=”left”>-
p align=”left”>Afe Adogame, PhD
p align=”left”>CSWC
p align=”left”>School of Divinity
p align=”left”>The University of Edinburgh
p align=”left”>New College
p align=”left”>Mound Place
p align=”left”>Edinburgh EH1 2LX
p align=”left”>UK.
p align=”left”>Tel. +44 (0)131 650 8928
p align=”left”>Mob. +44 (0)7784 118 732
p align=”left”>Fax. +44 (0)131 650 7952