The Association for the Sociology of Religion (ASR) invites you to submit a paper and/or session proposal for our 2018 Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA. Our 2018 theme, “Strengthening Weak Ties to other Sociological Subdisciplines,” highlights themeeting overlap with the American Sociological Association (ASA), Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP), Association of Black Sociologists (ABS), and other sociological associations. Furthermore, the ASR Annual Meeting schedule maximizes participation opportunities for those who are interested in both the ASR and the ASA Religion Section activities.
Please visit our website at for more information. To submit a paper and/or session proposal, log into your ASR member account. If you are not a current ASR member, you may join the association by visiting our home page at
Please contact Program Chair Jerry Park at with any ASR Annual Meeting questions.