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  • Music for Meditation Amid the Global Pandemic - Series 2

    The Western Sydney University Institute for Australian and Chinese Arts and Culture has curated a collection of music for meditation. See more below and here: Musical Connections Amid the Global…

  • Webinars: Dipartimento scienzeformazione fenomenoreligioso

    Gentile Collega, le registrazione dei precedenti webinars si possono trovare qui di seguito. Garelli:, Morsello:, Faggiano, Piccini:  Punziano: Cimino, Dell’Orletta, Venturi:   Cordiali saluti. La Segreteria OrganizzativaRicerca sulla Religiosità in Italia Dear…

  • Reports published: Modest Fashion in UK Women’s Working Life

    Announcing the publication of two new reports: Modest Fashion in UK Women’s Working Life: A report for fashion and the creative industries and creative arts education, by Reina Lewis, Kristin…

  • The International Social Survey Program (ISSP) “Religion IV” is now freely available

    The International Social Survey Program (ISSP) has conducted annual cross-national surveys since 1985. One of its reoccurring topics has been on religion and religious change. The ISSP Religion study was first…

  • Socrel blog on Medium: call for blogs from Socrel members

    The Socrel blog now has a new home on the publishing platform Medium, which can be found at We hope that the site on Medium can act as a showcase…