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CFP: “Religion in an unstable world: Challenges, transformations and future prospects”

Dear Colleagues,

The call for European Sociological Association RN34 Sociology of Religion biennial conference is now open. The conference “Religion in an unstable world: Challenges, transformations and future prospects” is going to take place in Groningen, Netherlands on 13-15 July 2022.

Individual paper abstracts as well as panel proposals with a maximum of four papers per panel are welcome. All interested should submit an abstract of 200 to 250 words, including a reference to the theoretical framework, research question, methodology and main findings. Panel proposals should include the title and a short description of the panel (200 to 250 words), the name and affiliation of the convener(s), and the title, author’s name and abstract (200 to 250 words) for each of the proposed papers. Proposals should be submitted to no later than 31 January 2022.

For further details please visit conference website:

Best regards

Anna Szwed
ESA RN34 Communications Officer
Instytut Socjologii UJ / Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University in Krakow
Pracownia Społecznych Badań nad Religią / Department of Social Research on Religion