Springer has published four new books in the series “Boundaries of Religious Freedom: Regulating Religion in Diverse Societies”, edited by Lori G. Beaman, Anna Halafoff, and Lene Kühle
- Pratt, Douglas, Woodlock, Rachel (Eds.) 2016 Fear of Muslims? International Perspectives on Islamophobia
- Berglund, Jenny, Shanneik, Yafa, Bocking, Brian (Eds.) 2016 Religious Education in a Global-Local World
- Reeh, Niels 2016 Secularization Revisited - Teaching of Religion and the State of Denmark 1721-2006
- Vaggione, Juan Marco, Morán Faúndes, José Manuel (Eds.) 2017 Laicidad and Religious Diversity in Latin America
Visit the series website at https://www.springer.com/series/11839
(Editor’s note: Thanks to Springer for contributing to the ISA-RC22 Varga Prize for New Generation Scholars!)