New Issue of Religion & Gender, with emphasis on Shari’a Family Law Studies

Religion and Gender has just published its latest issue (Summer issue 2017) at

It includes independent research articles, the special issue ‘New Perspectives on Gender in Shari‘a-Based Family Law Studies: Moving Beyond the Women’s Issue’ guest edited by Betty de Hart, Nadia Sonneveld and Iris Sportel, and a number of book reviews.

Table of Contents

Articles (open section)
Gendering Prayer: Millennial-generation Catholics and the Embodiment of Feminine Genius and Authentic Masculinity (1-17)
        Katherine Anne Dugan
The Embodied Mother of God and the Identities of Orthodox Women in Finland and Setoland (18-41)
        Andreas Kalkun, Elina Vuola

Guest Editorial
New Perspectives on Gender in Shari‘a-Based Family Law Studies: Moving Beyond the Women’s Issue (42-52)
        Betty de Hart,  Nadia Sonneveld, Iris Sportel

Articles (special issue)
Who’s Afraid of Islamic Family Law? Dealing with Shari‘a-based Family Law Systems in the Netherlands (53-69)
        Iris Sportel
Divorce among Transnational Finnish Somalis: Gender, Religion, and Agency (70-87)
        Mulki Al-Sharmani
From the Liberation of Women to the Liberation of Men? A Century of Family Law Reform in Egypt (88-104)
        Nadia Sonneveld
Judicial Activism in the Context of the 2011 Egyptian Revolution: Emerging Conceptions of Femininity and Masculinity (105-120)
        Monika Lindbekk