Religion and Gender has just published its latest issue (Summer issue 2017) at
It includes independent research articles, the special issue ‘New Perspectives on Gender in Shari‘a-Based Family Law Studies: Moving Beyond the Women’s Issue’ guest edited by Betty de Hart, Nadia Sonneveld and Iris Sportel, and a number of book reviews.
Table of Contents
Articles (open section)
Gendering Prayer: Millennial-generation Catholics and the Embodiment of Feminine Genius and Authentic Masculinity (1-17)
Katherine Anne Dugan
The Embodied Mother of God and the Identities of Orthodox Women in Finland and Setoland (18-41)
Andreas Kalkun, Elina Vuola
Guest Editorial
New Perspectives on Gender in Shari‘a-Based Family Law Studies: Moving Beyond the Women’s Issue (42-52)
Betty de Hart, Nadia Sonneveld, Iris Sportel
Articles (special issue)
Who’s Afraid of Islamic Family Law? Dealing with Shari‘a-based Family Law Systems in the Netherlands (53-69)
Iris Sportel
Divorce among Transnational Finnish Somalis: Gender, Religion, and Agency (70-87)
Mulki Al-Sharmani
From the Liberation of Women to the Liberation of Men? A Century of Family Law Reform in Egypt (88-104)
Nadia Sonneveld
Judicial Activism in the Context of the 2011 Egyptian Revolution: Emerging Conceptions of Femininity and Masculinity (105-120)
Monika Lindbekk