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Author: @CeciDelgadoM

  • ISA Membership Grants for Students

    The International Sociological Association (ISA) allocated a Solidarity Fund with the objective to boost student membership and breaching inequalities between sociologists in category A countries and those in categories B…

  • Don’t miss the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology!

    We want to remind you that the Call for Papers for the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology will close on September 30, 2022, at 24:00 GMT.   Remember that…

  • ISA RC22 Call for Nominations - Officers & Board Members

    The International Sociological Association’s Research Committee on the Sociology of Religion (RC22) welcomes nominations for its 2023-2027 Officers: President Secretary/Treasurer 10 Board Members: Two from each of five world regions:…

  • Call for Papers ISA World Congress 2023

    The open call for papers for the Research Committee 22 on the Sociology of Religion Program at the International Sociological Association World Congress that will take place in Melbourne, Australia…


    CALL FOR PAPERS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE University of Padova, Italy, September 22-23, 2022 Contemporary societies are challenged by the need of the state to govern religious and cultural diversity and to…