Abstracts due by 30 September, 2017 24:00 GMT.
XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology
Power, Violence and Justice: Reflections, Responses and Responsibilities
Toronto, Canada, July 15-21, 2018
Religion, Power, and Resistance: New Ideas for a Divided World
Current environmental, economic, social, and political challenges indicate that people are losing faith in existing power structures and mechanisms for coping with crises. This creates increasingly divided societies, riven by ideological battles for the future of the human and the more than human world. Religion has a place in this picture. Not only is it often a source of divisions; it can also be a source for alternative means of addressing them.
These divisions take new and as yet unclear shapes, which sociologists are only now beginning to comprehend. It is not enough to refer to the struggle between ‘tradition’ and ‘modernity’, terms that dominated sociology through the 1970s. Nor do the tropes ‘colonialism vs. anti-colonialism’ and the ‘clash of civilizations’ adequately explain what is going on. Nor, arguably, does ‘populism vs neo-liberalism’ fully capture such things as the recent clashes between cosmopolitan and anticosmopolitan actors in the major Western democracies. Each of these has a piece of the picture; none of them captures it all.
What is religion’s role in this situation: as a creator of divisions, as a locus of power, and as a ground of resistance? How does religion influence our divided societies? How is religion influenced in turn?
We invite paper abstract submissions for the following RC22 sessions:
- Religion and National Identity
- Religion and Secularity
- Religion and Non-Violent Social Movements
- Religion, Gender and Family Violence
- Religion in the East Asian Public Sphere
- Religion in the Public Square
- Social Theory and Religion
- Religion and Migration: Contrasting First and Second Generations
- Dynamics of Gender, Religion and Intersectionality
- Prejudice, Exclusion and Violence in a Transnational World
- Media and Religious Radicalization: Gatekeeping and the Construction of Extremism
- Gender, Feminism, and Islam and the West
- Religious Texts of Diversity Vs Exclusion
We will also be including the following invited sessions in our RC22 program:
- Presidential Address: The Sociology of Religion in a Post-Colonial Era (Invited Session) Session Organizer: James SPICKARD, University of Redlands, USA
- Religion and Diversity: An International Study (Invited Session) Session Organizer: Lori BEAMAN, University of Ottawa, Canada
- Diffused Religion. Beyond Secularization – Author Meets Critic Session (Invited Session) Session Organizer: Roberto CIPRIANI, University Roma Tre, Italy
- The Case for an Indeterminate Sociological Theory of Religion (Invited Session) Session Organizer: Tak-ling WOO, York University, Canada
The ISA CONFEX website site is now accepting paper abstracts between 25 April and 30 September, 2017 24:00 GMT.
Please address any questions to the Program Coordinators:
Anna Halafoff: anna.halafoff@deakin.edu.au
Sam Han: HanSam@ntu.edu.sg
Caroline Starkey: C.Starkey@leeds.ac.uk